How I get this blog together
I might as well describe the steps I went through to get this blog into existence:
Choosing a blog host
I had the choice between hosting the blog itself or using a blog hosting service. If I hosted my own blog, then I could control the information that would be published. In other words, I would be able to censor this that I had already published. Well, the information I want to blog will be technical recipes, and won't be Xelerance intellectual property. Since I am making this information public anyways, there is no specific requirements for me to host my own blog. I settled on Blogger because I just wanted to get up and running fast.
Choosing a blog software
Bart proposed vimblog; that one is very tech-oriented, and the fun thing about it is that all blog entries are stored in "email format" on the server. Well, I decided on Blogger as a host, so since vimblog is mostly a server-side software, I decided to pass. I had to chose between software that would be able to speak MoveableType API to Blogger. I settled settled on Ecto because I have a Mac and Ecto offers a queuing system. With Ecto, I can create drafts of future blog entries I want to create for the future. Quite neat.
Ecto sends automatically to Blogger when I connect to the Internet. I can also synch published stories between my workstation and my laptop. I cannot synch draft stories between my workstation and my laptop, but I will try to find or code a way. This might be hard, since Ecto seems to store drafts in a .plist file. Perhaps if I can find a way to synch parts of an XML tree, this might work.